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The Story

Camp MacArthur was established in Waco, Texas, in the summer of 1917 as a training center for US Army recruits shortly after America’s entry into World War I, (or, The Great War, as it was called then). Before the war, a large, standing U.S. Army was considered unnecessary (and to some, a dangerous idea) so increasing existing troop levels quickly was high priority. The camp’s mission was to meet that need.

The camp was a boon to Waco’s economy and by most accounts, a positive impact on the community at large. After Camp MacArthur closed in 1919, many veterans returned to central Texas. Growing up in Waco, I remember my grandfather mentioning the camp often.

But there is another side to this history; what life was like for the ordinary soldier. The first wave of recruits to arrive at Camp MacArthur were from the northern states of Michigan and Wisconsin; a culture shock to say the least. Texas accents, heat, grits and greens, and perhaps a lingering resentment toward “Yankees” and the Civil War. Add to this, routine, boredom, and homesickness and it can drain even the heartiest soldier. Comradery, letters from home, and off-duty distractions can lessen the impact, but nothing works like humor for a good cause.

This letter is unique to official military correspondence. It’s a lighthearted call to action and patriotism. I think it says a lot about the relationship between the camp and the Waco community. There’s no evidence the demand was satisfied but the letter is an example of how things can get done with a little creativity and humor.

On this Veterans Day, as we honor those who defended our Constitution and its ideals, let’s also take the time to celebrate the humanity in all of us.

I think I’ll have a Dr Pepper and celebrate.


For more information about Camp MacArthur, please check out the links below.
Waco History:
Texas State Historical Assn. (TSHA):

The History


It is desired to bring to your attention the shortage of Coca Cola throughout this Army Camp, and particularly this Regimental Canteen. The purpose of this communication is to remind you that the hot weather is here and that Coca Cola is one the best drinks to fight the Hot Weather with and we Soldiers dislike to admit defeat, but to win our struggles we must have the material to work with, the things to contest our enemy with, must be at hand, and unless we have Coca Cola we will have to admit defeat at the hands of Enemy Heat & Thirst. The Army has been schooled to like and want Coca Cola because Coca Cola is the wholesome thirst quenching drink and this Exchange, representing Four Thousand Coca Cola Drinkers, begs that our supply be multiplied by ten and even more if possible. So great is the need of Coca Cola at our Exchange at the present writing may be easily understood by the many calls for this drink that must be met with a substitute, and consequently a dissatisfied customer.It is the experience of the Management of this Exchange that many users of a certain article may be taught to like a substitute, and unless you can assure us that our demands may be met, it will be our task to introduce a substitute here that will be the forerunner of a strong competitor of Coca Cola. We do not want to do this, we want more Coca Cola, and more Coca Cola will bring us more satisfied customers, and their health will not be imperiled.

We trust you will take this matter up at once and give it the careful consideration that is due so an important issue, and then let us hear that you will aid in defeating the Enemy Thirst and conquer these long hot drill days.

April 19th 1918.
55th Infantry Exchange,
C H Kells
Exchange Officer


Letter to the Coca Cola Bottling Works in Waco, Texas; 4/19/1918. Records of the U.S. Food Administration, Record Group 4; National Archives at Fort Worth, TX.

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