The Story
In November 1835, George Dedrick joined a force of one hundred and fifty men who were part of an ill-conceived, ill-fated expedition to take Tampico, Mexico, from forces supporting Mexican dictator Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. He barely got out alive.
George was among those Americans who answered the call to fight for Texas independence. Unlike other volunteers, George had no intention of staying once the fighting was over. His wife, Hannah, and son Charles, were back east in Philadelphia, and so was his heart.
Four months later in March 1836, while serving in the Texian army, George penned this letter to his family from a place called, Goliad, where a few weeks later his luck would run out. It is a favorite of the Texas GLO Archives staff and students of Texas history everywhere. Held together by tape and carefully preserved, the letter is a beautiful example of correspondence from that period.
This document is housed at the Texas General Land Office, Archives in Austin, Texas, the home to over thirty five million documents and forty five thousand maps that tell the story of Texas.
Here’s the link to the Texas GLO Archives:
For more information about the battle of Tampico, check out this article from a real expert:
Goliad Texes March 10th 1836
Dear wife,
I imbrace the present opportunity to wright to you a fiew Lines. I Roate to you on the 23rd of February in which Lettor I gave you a full account of affair in my Last Lettor until I arrived at this post
my travel thew Texes has inable^ to See the faise (face?) of the Country. It is one of fines I ever seen as yet Corne growes hear in abundance fine Land for cottin-as ever was-but my dear do not think that wile I am passing up the Country that I heave eny Ideah of Seteling hear. As Soon as
the affairs ar Seteled I Shall Return home
to you and my beloved Son-as the baror (bearer) will be aly I must make my lettor short at present
off) to
but will Right by evorey oppertunetey that falls in
my way I Roate in my Last Lettor that I was
actian (acting?) as Issuen (Issuing) Comasery of the armey. My office is a vijalent one and Requars all my time
all the pravishen of the men Coms thew my hands
for fort as garrison. I will give you Some discreption of this fort. the fort is Sorounded By a wall about 7 feet in hight one cannon is erected a Church of anchent
order perhaps built for more^one hundred years a go the church is wald in which is custom a mong The mexicans to do it is about half as Long as the Square in Phliadilphia. We have made a butiful fort of the place well Defended by a larg number of canon of heavy mettle Som thing Like Seven hundred men hear from the united States –
vollen teers Som of the fines(t) of men and the bravest and are marchen in daley. the(y)
are wating hourly for news of the Counsel. At the Seate of Guverment of the Declaration of Independiance in Texes
then God and aure Country for Liberty- Liberty or Death. our Caus is a good one and We will matain it to the Last. Let no feer my Love alarme you of my well fair at present-if I was born to be kild by a ball So be it I have no feer I have bin in battle before as Stated in my Last Lettor. I Expect to Receive in a fiew days a pointment of quortor mastor of the armey which is next in Rank to quortor mastor General which should I adtain and the affairs
(hole in paper) Country is Settled the onour and title will follow me to my grave I am determent to
(hole in paper) my forthun in the Caus act with decretion (discretion?) justis to mankind and onour to my Country which will Leave no blemish behind wen time will be no more. Be not dismade but proud of my entor prise. I am Surton to See you Soon for Should mattors Reast for some time I Shal get a furlow to com on for a wile if it Should be but for a Short Space of time to See you I trust wen we get things Settled I can set
(hole in paper) in hapaness for the balance of my days ted by you a Love where ever
(hole in paper) be d
(hole in paper). I must Com to a close
(hole in paper) present one kiss my Love to hour deer Son (hole in paper) (Ch)arls tel him the onour his father has obtaind (hole in paper) him and what he will indure to immortalize
(hole in paper) name of Dedrick in futor days and as for (hole in paper) (you) dear Hannah while Righting me thinks I am Connvursing with you-I am not unhapey
while onour is before me I have not Seen
The face of a woman for Som time the town
is burnt down the inhapatance (inhabitants?) ar fled-
A diew (adieu?) at present my dear beloved fair well
To my Son until a nother oppertunity offers
(hole in paper) (Rem)ember me to all my friends-
(hole in paper) (Whe?)n you Right to me Direct your Lettors (hole in paper) the Care of James Marton (or Morton) New Orleans (hole in paper) he will forwd them to me
This is from your Beloved Husba
G Dedrick